Tony Doherty

Head of Retail, Property & Asset Management – Australia, JLL

Tony Doherty is the Head of Retail Management for JLL in Australia and has been with the firm for over 28 years. JLL manages more than 400 retail properties across Australia. Tony has experience in all Australian markets and has been engaged on projects in Asia, particularly China and India.

Through JLL Tony is connected with our international offices and understands global retail dynamics. Having worked as both a retailer and representing a large number of landlords, Tony has an appreciation for the requirements of retailers and our clients. He has an extensive network of centre owners, retailers and industry contacts and is currently on the Board of the Shopping Centre Council of Australia and The John Maclean Foundation.

Malls of the Future Summit 2024

  • Panel discussion - The evolving role of the MALL: Creating places with form, function, and purpose
  • Chairperson’s Opening Remarks